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Barbara Larrabee

Barbara Larrabee

Longevity Wellness Specialist

I was just 19 when my mom suddenly died at age 52 – way too young! Our doctor said to expect the same path, geez. But I was determined to have a longer and healthier life than my mom and I’ve paid attention to science, research and tools available over the years that were considered “alternative” or outside the box.

In my 20’s when it wasn’t cool I was “Mother Earth,” – organic gardening, food pairing, studying vitamins and minerals as well as diseases and how to prevent them, raising my kids on home cooking packed with nutrients. My husband developed Type 2 diabetes with many complications and I entered a phase of putting my knowledge to work to not just address my own genetic heritage but to help him. Herbs, vitamins, minerals, wound care, hyperbaric oxygen, ozone therapy, hair analysis-- many modalities.

In spite of all this knowledge, my own health and weight, literally, had its ups and downs, and one time I even weighed 207. I was seriously ill with copper poisoning. I had a head injury and subsequent stroke. I’ve “been there, done that” and throughout all of this have been so grateful for the information and holistic therapies that have been available.

Fast forward to today….I am channeling my passion for helping people achieve better wellness, fitness/body mass/improved athletic performance, anti-aging and regeneration with a simple wearable light therapy that activates your own stem cells (no fetal cells.) No drugs, no pills, no injections. I have a Diploma in Personal Nutrition from Shaw Academy and a certification as a Longevity Wellness Specialist from AFPA (America Fitness Professionals Association.) My products cover several broad categories: brain health, cellular anti-aging and regeneration, animal health and longevity, skin and hair anti-aging and beauty, gut health, weight management, regeneration and “getting younger.”

My clients are those who:

· May have a health issue to resolve – even something deemed hopeless

· Want to have more physical and brain energy

· Are biohackers who want to utilize cutting edge science to live optimally and live years longer

· Wanting to excel at physical performance – runners, body builders, personal trainers, fitness

· Invest in preventive health

I can also be reached at:

Services Available:

Barbara offers information on nutrigenomic solutions to wellness, fitness and longevity and products that support that science.  Easy changes that create big results.

Member to Member Special Offer(s):

For either a Chamber Member or any person the Member refers, I will offer a 20% discount on new first-time account orders. This would be in the form of a rebate through PayPal or another cash-transfer app.

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